Seismic refraction method basically based on the measurement of the travel time of P-waves refracted at the interfaces between subsurface layers of different velocity. Seismic energy is provided by a source ('shot') located on the surface. For shallow applications this normally comprises a sledgehammer and plate, weight drop or small explosive charge (blank shotgun cartridge). Energy radiates out from the shot point, either travelling directly through the upper layer (direct arrivals), or travelling down to and then laterally along higher velocity layers (refracted arrivals) before returning to the surface.This energy is detected on surface using a linear array (or spread) of geophones (receiver sensor) spaced at regular intervals. Beyond a certain distance from the shot point, known as the cross-over distance, the refracted signal is observed as a first-arrival signal at the geophones (arriving before the direct arrival). Observation of the travel-times of the direct and refracted signals provides information on the depth profile of the refractor.
The primary applications of seismic refraction are for determining depth to bedrock and bedrock structure. Due to the dependence of seismic velocity on the elasticity and density of the material through which the energy is passing, seismic refraction surveys provide a measure of material strengths and can consequently be used as an aid in assessing rippability and rock quality. The technique has been successfully applied to mapping depth to base of backfilled quarries, depth of landfills, thickness of overburden and the topography of groundwater.
Shots are deployed at and beyond both ends of the geophone spread in order to acquire refracted energy as first arrivals at each geophone position. Data are recorded on a seismograph and later downloaded to computer for analysis of the first-arrival times to the geophones from each shot position. Travel-time versus distance graphs is then constructed and velocities calculated for the overburden and refractor layers through analysis of the direct arrival and T-minus graph gradients. Depth profiles for each refractor are produced by an analytical procedure based on consideration of shot and receiver geometry and the measured travel-times and calculated velocities. The final output comprises a depth profile of the refractor layers and a velocity model of the subsurface.Example of geophone spread |
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